Character | Lolita Sun |
Brand | Bleeding Edge Goths |
Series | 1 |
Release date | 2003 |
Company | Varner Studios |
Retail price | Unknown |
Series 1 Lolita Sun (Crypt Club Exclusive)
“Lolita is wearing a frilly maid outfit that would be popular in one of Akihabara’s maid cafes. She has her eyes set on Japan, as hinted by the rising sun filling the white of her eyes. Her favorite color is black, and she doesn’t have much patience for annoying creeps, such as stupid people, ignorant people, small minded people, actually most people, and add to that list Hip Hoppers, people who get cold, and those who vomit dairy products. She probably won’t like you either. For some odd reason, she likes Millipedes. She keeps 300 of them which in a hamster ball that runs all over the house. One of these days, that ball will break open…”

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