Bleeding Edge Goths Series 3 Siphon Veins (SDCC/Crypt Club Exclusive)

CharacterSiphon Veins
BrandBleeding Edge Goths
Release date2004
CompanyVarner Studios
Retail priceUnknown
“Siphon is a glamorous Gothic beauty with a penchant for blood. Oh, and did we mention she is a vampire?
Full name: Siphon Veins
Status: Married to Severin
Favorite color: BlackPets: Rattlesnake named Shakes, Bats named Slade & Zac
Likes: Midnight movies, Godzilla, sleeping under the moonlight, traveling by train, and of course, her eternal love.
Dislikes: The SUN!!! Blood banks with competent security, cherry pie, eggplant and cry-babies.”
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