Character | Storm O’ Misery |
Brand | Bleeding Edge Goths |
Series | 4 |
Release date | Missing Information |
Company | Varner Studios |
Retail price | $29.99 |
Series 4 Evening Storm
Favorite Color: Black, (this will never change)
Pets: Mr. Tabmow the wombat
Gave away the newt named Amphibian (he was too much maintenance)
Likes: Writing Bleeding Edge Newsletter, still loves popcorn and Junior Mints, (accidentally discovered popcorn and vanilla ice cream … don’t ask) being a self-proclaimed movie critic, her favorite is still sleeping all day. Storm is, after all, nocturnal
Hates: Crowds, holding hands, sticky kids, rehashing lame shows, bad sequels, halter tops and Daisy Duke

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