Bleeding Edge Goths Series 6 Alindria Devour (European Exclusive PBM)

CharacterAlindria Devour
BrandBleeding Edge Goths
Release date2007
CompanyVarner Studios
Retail price$29.99
Series 6 Alindria Devour
Favorite Color: Orange
Pets: Black Dwarf Bunny, “Elegast”
Likes: Korfball, “Het Willhelmus” (all 15 stanzas memorized), Within Temptation, delft blaw, novels, hair falls, flame throwers, marionettes, Krokets, hot air balloons, Till Linderman, “Doodeind”, moshing at roller rink, Hannie Schaft, Pantera Foundation, and dance metal.
Hates: Toothpicks, Segways, cheese (Lactose intolerant), wind-up toys, fruit in salad, the sound of windchimes, and tulips.
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