Bleeding Edge Goths Series 6 Slayer Storm

CharacterStorm O’ Misery
BrandBleeding Edge Goths
Release dateMissing Information
CompanyVarner Studios
Retail price$29.99
Series 6 Slayer Storm
Favorite Color: Black, Black Noir, Midnight black (all shades of black)
Pets: Paragon Falcon named Gabriel
Likes: Pump Organs, Ultra Violet Light, Latin, Sicilian Food (for it’s garlic content) the cold side of the pillow, Junior Mints, sunrise, eyeshine (for hunting in the dark), Holy Water, crosses, wooden stakes and “The Birthday Party”.
Hates: Sharing Drinks, Strix, M*A*S*H, leeches, blood breath and Vlad the Impaler.
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