In 2010, Bratz released 4 lines of dolls (24 in total), 3 playsets and 1 line of fashion packs. These releases were tied to the brand’s 10th Anniversary celebration, which came after a period of legal trouble and uncertainty.
A major aspect of the celebration was the introduction of ten new characters as part of the 10/10/10 campaign. These characters are: Adri, Ashby, Carrie, Joelle, Leora, Liliana, Lydia, Shadi, Shira and Tyla. These would be the only doll releases for all of these characters with the exception of Shadi and Shira, who would reappear in lines in 2012 and 2013 respectively.

10th Anniversary

Fashion Packs

FM Cruiser (4th Edition)

Let’s Talk

Party (2nd Edition)

Stylin’ Salon ‘N’ Spa (3rd Edition)

Twiins (5th Edition)