Character | Jade |
Brand | Bratz |
Series | Costume Bash |
Dressed as… | Gingerbread Girl |
Release year | 2013 |
Company | MGA |
Retail price | To be confirmed |
Head sculpt | Closed Mouth |
Body type | 2013 Tall Body |
Hair type | Polypropylene |
There’s nothing the Bratz ladies love more, than a good costume party! This year, they have truly outdone themselves with the cutest costumes ever. Cloe is rocking hippy chic couture, Yasmin stands out from the herd in a super cute cowgirl outfit, while Jade is sugar, spice and everything nice in her adorable gingerbread house costume. The only question is, what will you be wearing?!
- Each doll comes in her own super cute costume
- Accessories and hair brush included
- Approx height: 30cm
- For ages 6+
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Views: 115