Bratz Create It Yourself Jade

Release year2015
Collective retail price$39.99
Bundled withFashion Playset
Head sculpt2015 Open Mouth
Body type2015 Standard Body (jointed knees)
Hair typeSaran

Design and create your own Bratz® fashion pieces with the Create It Yourself Fashion Playset! Using a combination of spinning dress forms, spray paint, stickers, rhinestones and stencils, girls can now design and decorate the included dress, top and skirt for their Bratz® doll! Playset includes a Bratz® Jade doll!

  • Create It Yourself Fashion Playset lets girls get creative with the Bratz® fashion line by sketching painting, stickering, and stencilling their very own designs!
  • Includes 2 dress forms, a spinning paint station, 3 sheets of stickers and rhinestones, 3 bottles of non-toxic paint, 5 pieces of fashion, 4 stencil cards, and a design booklet
  • Includes Bratz® Jade doll with shoes
  • Batteries not required
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