Bratz Fierce Fitness Jade

This doll received a repackaged rerelease in discount stores in 2016.

Release year2015
Retail price$14.99
Head sculpt2015 Open Mouth
Body type2015 Standard Body (jointed knees)
Hair typeSaran

Dare to get moving! Each Bratz in the Fierce Fitness collection shows her off her bold & fabulous high impact style and favorite way to have fun in the sun. Jade puts some serious mileage on her Fierce Fitness running shoes every time she takes to the tracks.

  • Jade’s revving for a race to beat her own personal record in a black & neon pink running shorts, matching top and a baby blue track jacket
  • Her running essentials include a translucent green visor, a sweatband, an “mp3 player” and earbuds, a water bottle, wrist activity tracker, and a sports bag that can store her accessories
  • Comes with 7 accessories, including the iconic Bratz hairbrush in electric pink
  • Collect all 3 Fierce Fitness Series – Cloe, Yasmin, and Jade
Collect item (7)

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