Bratz Funky Fashion Makeover All Glammed Up Third Edition Yasmin

SeriesAll Glammed Up (Third Edition)
Release year2013
Retail price$19.99
Head sculptOpen Mouth
Body sculptOriginal Funky Fashion Makeover (shoulders-up, star base)
Hair typeTo be confirmed

Help Yasmin get all Glammed Up with fun hair colour and styling tools. You can create so many super cool hair styles with the Bratz® All Glammed Up Funky Fashion Makeover. Go wild by adding colour streaks in pink, blue or purple. Glitter it to add a touch of glamor. Get creative by creating all kinds of funky new looks. Her long hair is so much fun to brush and style. Create a funky new look on Yasmin before applying the style on you using the same colours and glitter!

Includes Bratz® Yasmin styling head (approx. 24cm tall), 3 hair colour cream tubes (24ml each), an applicator, glitter (4.8ml) and hairbrush.

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