The 5-pack version of this doll features a fully rooted head of hair and more evenly distributed green streaks, as opposed to the
individual release, who has a partially flocked head and thicker, isolated green streaks.
Character | Jade |
Brand | Bratz |
Series | Hello My Name is… |
Release year | 2015 |
Company | MGA |
Collective retail price | $59.99 |
Exclusivity | Toys R Us |
Bundled with | Cloe, Meygan, Sasha and Yasmin |
Head sculpt | 2015 Open Mouth |
Body type | 2015 Standard Body (jointed knees) |
Hair type | Saran |
- Includes Jade, Yasmin, Sasha, Cloe and Meygan dolls
- Each doll has a trendy outfit reflective of her own personality
- Comes with Bratz hair brush
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