Bratz Hello My Name is Yasmin

In addition to her individual release, this doll was included in a Toys R Us exclusive 5-pack.

SeriesHello My Name is…
Release year2015
Retail price$14.99 (individual), $59.99 (5-pack)
Bundled withCloe, Jade (V2), Meygan and Sasha(5-pack only)
Head sculpt2015 Open Mouth
Body type2015 Standard Body (jointed knees)
Hair typeSaran

The Girls are back! Each iconic character showcases their individual personality along with perfectly paired piece count that is true to their favourite style and hobbies. Each character also comes with the iconic lips comb for endless hair play.

  • The introductory doll assortment, reintroducing the core Bratz girls
  • Each iconic outfit showcases their individual personalities along with perfectly paired piece count
  • Each Bratz showcases her personal style
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This doll features the following accessory variants:

Necklace GoldPink

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