Bratz Music Festival Vibes Yasmin

SeriesMusic Festival Vibes
Music genreAlternative rock/acoustic
Release year2016
Retail price$24.99
Head sculpt2015 Open Mouth
Body type2015 Standard Body (jointed knees)
Hair typeSaran

Cloe, Jade, Yasmin, Sasha and Raya have been counting down the days to the star-studded, sold-out, annual Bratz Music Festival, each of them dressed in fashions inspired by their favorite music genre. The Bratz Music Festival Vibes Collection features of the girls in outfits inspired by their favorite music genres. Yasmin goes all out boho chic for her alt rock & acoustic shows. #Ommazing

  • Yasmin has a 70s music vibe that matches her two boho chic outfits for her alternative rock & acoustic shows
  • Her first outfit features a crop top, a crochet long vest, sheer flared pants, chunky boots and accessories
  • Her second outfit is a long-sleeve psychedelic crop top and purple denim shorts
  • Includes a concert bracelet, smart phone accessory with a dreamcatcher case, and the iconic Bratz hairbrush in peach
  • Collect all dolls from the Music Festival Vibes series: Cloe, Yasmin, Jade, Sasha and Raya
Collect item (20)

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