Character | Yasmin |
Brand | Bratz |
Series | Remix |
Release year | 2016 |
Company | MGA |
Retail price | $12.99 |
Head sculpt | 2015 Open Mouth |
Body type | 2015 Standard Body (jointed knees) |
Hair type | Saran |
Everyone loves music, especially the Bratz! Cloe, Yasmin, Jade and Sasha rock their spirit animal inspired headphones as part of their fab-as-ever outfit. Bratz Remix Collection is all about the girls and their favorite playlists. They also love mixing up their everyday fashion by accessorizing with oversized headphones. Yasmin loves relaxing to acoustic covers, especially as she meditates in her peaceful corner. #LyricalSoul
- Yasmin’s 2-piece outfit is a frayed daisy top with flower print denim
- Her purple headphones have butterfly charms on top that can be swapped with other Bratz Remix Dolls’ headphones
- Also includes smart phone accessory and iconic Bratz hairbrush in lavender
- Collect all 4 Bratz dolls from the Remix Collection – Cloe, Yasmin, Jade, and Sasha
- Ages: 5+ years
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Views: 37