Bratz Selfie Snaps First Edition Yasmin

Series#SelfieSnaps (First Edition)
Release year2015
Retail price$16.99
Head sculpt2015 Open Mouth
Body type2015 Standard Body (jointed knees)
Hair typeSaran

Get to know the Bratz via their selfie snap styles and fun emoji icons. They’re #SoEmojinal! Introducing Bratz #SelfieSnaps Collection, where the best-friends-for-life show off a new hair style and a selfie-worthy outfit in each of their own unique style. Yasmin’s electric pink highlights go perfectly with her matching pink sandals. Can’t wait to share it with the world in a #SelfieSnaps!

  • Yasmin’s SelfieSnaps Style is modern hippie with a flirty flair
  • Yasmin’s selfie shirt design is a rainbow tie-dye with a bright violet trim, a buckled belt and a layered skirt of florals and sky-blue tie-dye to match her top
  • Accessorize her with a faux suede floppy hat, Bratz happy face emoji purse, daisy inspired sunnies, “wifi signal” disc earrings, triangular bangle and flower necklace
  • Also included is her smartphone and 2 interchangeable cases — 1 to match her floral outfit and 1 inspired by her Spirit Animal, Frog
  • Comes with 13 accessories, including the iconic Bratz hairbrush in electric pink
  • Collect all 4 SelfieSnaps Series: Cloe, Yasmin, Jade and Sasha
Collect item (12)

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This doll features the following randomized accessory variants:

Necklace (charm)YellowPinkCoral
Necklace (quote)YellowPinkCoral
Phone case (flower)PurpleYellowGreen
Phone case (frog)GreenPurpleYellow

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