Bratz Selfie Snaps Second Edition Cloe

Later iterations of these dolls were packaged with their accessories bagged at the bottom of the box – these versions were predominantly sold at discount stores.
Series#SelfieSnaps (Second Edition)
Release year2016
Retail price$16.99
Head sculpt2015 Open Mouth
Body type2015 Standard Body (jointed knees)
Hair typeSaran

Get to know the Bratz via their selfie snap styles and fun emoji icons. They’re #SoEmojinal!!! Introducing Bratz #SelfieSnaps Collection, where the best-friends-for-life show off their selfie- worthy outfit in each of their own unique style. Cloe’s new #SelfieSnaps fashion is inspired by hashtags & happy faces – positively trending!

  • Cloe’s #SelfieSnaps outfit is an oversized, emoji-pattern sweater dress with a pair of white high socks and pink platform sneakers
  • Her smartphone accessory comes with 2 interchangeable cases, including an angel wing case and a teddy bear case
  • Also included are a pair of glasses, a photobooth prop, a speech bubble purse, a pair of earrings, a necklace and the iconic Bratz hairbrush in blue
  • Collect all dolls from the #SelfieSnaps series: Cloe, Yasmin, Jade, Sasha and Raya
Collect item (10)

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This doll features the following randomized accessory variants:

V1V2Other known variants
Phone case (bear)Pastel pinkCoral
Phone case (wings)CoralPastel pink
Prop glassesLight pinkBlue OR yellowLime green

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