Bratz Study Abroad First Edition Cloe

This doll received a rerelease in 2017 in new, slimmed-down packaging.
SeriesStudy Abroad (First Edition)
Release year2015
Retail price$24.99
Head sculpt2015 Open Mouth
Body type2015 Standard Body (jointed knees)
Hair typeSaran

Bratz Study Abroad Collection features each of the girls in outfits inspired by the countries they’ve visited. Great Wall of Fashion! Cloe had the good fortune of learning and absorbing China’s long history and rich culture and she can’t wait to share with her best friends.

  • Cloe is back from China in an embroidered brocade jacket, panda tee, denim skirt and a ying-yang purse
  • She is dressed in a “happiness” patterned knee-high socks and killer heels she scored at the market
  • Cloe’s second outfit is a 2-piece top and bottom combo with patterns inspired by the East, along with a matching pair of earrings
  • Her gold tea set and her fortune cookie purse fit inside of her gold luggage with telescoping handle
  • Use the sticker sheet to decorate her luggage
  • Includes 10 accessories, including the iconic Bratz hairbrush in red
  • Collect all 5 Study Abroad Bratz: Cloe, Jade, Raya, Yasmin and Sasha
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Cloe is the only Study Abroad (First Edition) character to not feature accessory variants. Instead, she has a hair variant. The first features golden blonde hair, while the second features platinum blonde hair. Both variants use the same hairstyle.

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