Bratz Sunshine Style Cloe

NOTE: This line received a mostly international release.

SeriesSunshine Style
Release year2011
Retail price$30 AUD
Head sculptOpen Mouth
Body type2010 Standard Body
Hair typePolypropylene
  • The Bratz® girls love to have super stylin’ FUN in the Sun! Pack features Cloe wearing a fashionable outfit and matching skateboard.
  • Cloe looks at life through a different lens, always snapping pictures and filming her friends. She’s playful, flirty, and down to earth. A super soccer star, Cloe is naturally athletic and always full of energy. Cloe’s full of big ideas, and sometimes her imagination runs away with her, but her friends help keep this ‘Angel’ grounded!
  • Includes Bratz® Cloe doll, skateboard (aka long-board) and hair brush.
Collect item (10)

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