Bratz Sweet Style Jade

Later iterations of these dolls were packaged with most of their accessories bagged at the bottom of the box – these versions were predominantly sold at discount stores.
SeriesSweet Style
PetBlueberry Koala
Release year2016
Retail price$14.99
Head sculpt2015 Open Mouth
Body type2015 Standard Body (jointed knees)
Hair typeSaran

Cloe, Jade, Yasmin and Sasha show off their Sweet Style as they celebrate the grand opening of the CIY Sweet Shoppe! The Bratz Sweet Style Collection features each of the girls in outfits inspired by their favorite sweets. Jade’s got a major sweet tooth for mint chocolate chip and cotton candy.

  • Jade is all about the mix and match in her pastel print outfit, knee-high mint ice cream cone boots and a cotton candy inspired pink fluffy top
  • Accessories include a chocolate bar clutch, candy hearts hair ties, and cotton candy earrings
  • Her pet koala is dressed as a blueberry froyo
  • Includes the iconic Bratz hairbrush in yellow
  • Collect all 4 Bratz dolls from the Sweet Style Collection – Cloe, Yasmin, Jade and Sasha
  • Ages: 5+ years
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This doll features the following randomized accessory variants:


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