This doll was not released in the US and received a limited international release, though her outfit would be reused as
True Hope Yasmin's second outfit. This was Vinessa’s first doll in three years, last appearing in
Character | Vinessa |
Brand | Bratz |
Series | Trend It! |
Release year | 2012 |
Company | MGA |
Retail price | $10.99 |
Head sculpt | Open Mouth |
Body type | 2010 Standard Body |
Hair type | Polypropylene |
Bratz are better than ever in totally new and seriously sassy styles. Bratz know that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks because it’s all about the attitude and Bratz are proving that they’ve got enough ‘tude to go around.
- Bratz doll in super-stylish fashions
- Sassy accessories
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Views: 112