
Bonnie (邦倪兔) is a line by Come4Free, a sub-brand of Chinese company Come4Arts. It first launched at the end of 2022 and features elastic strung ball-jointed dolls, often themed after rabbits and other animals, as well as standalone outfits designed to fit their 1/12 scale dolls.

The line is typically sold via official Come4Arts storefronts or associated retailers, with some items being exclusive to limited promotions.

The Journey of Streets

The Journey of Streets (街头出游计划) released in 2022 and features seven 1/12 scale dolls sold in a blindbox format with designs inspired by street fashion. The dolls feature inset eyes, jointed ears, and face and hairplates designed to be somewhat compatible with Good Smile Company’s Nendoroid system. Each blindbox contains a doll, outfit, accessory or accessories, and an alternate neck piece.

All-Round Artist
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Proud Photographer
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Hip-Hop Dancer
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Fashion Leader
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Street Skater
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Street Artist
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Hidden: Mysterious Magician
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Six Points Christmas Limited Edition

Christmas Elf
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Pinecone Elk
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Six Points Christmas Limited Edition (六分圣诞限定) was a 2022 collaboration with Element Doll that consists of two 1/6 scale Bonnie dolls with both molded hairpieces and wigs. Only 15 of each design were made, 12 of which were sold via a lottery in Chinese fangroups.

Sweetheart Party

Sweetheart Party (甜心派对) is a series of 1/12 scale dolls released in 2023. The main blindbox series includes seven 1/12 scale dolls that use the Bonnie body previously exclusive to Journey of Street’s hidden doll with new head sculpts featuring ears attached via magnets rather than the peg and socket seen in the previous series.

Berry Meimei
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Orange Poppop
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Taro Lily
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Seasalt Sisi
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Matcha Fufu
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Brown Coco
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Hidden: Sweetie Fox
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Spring Rain
Velvet Rose

Additionally, two dolls were released under the line separately as part of Come4Free’s campaign on the crowdfunding platform Modian.

The Starry Night Chapter

The Starry Night Chapter (星夜之章) is a blindbox series released at the end of 2023 and features character designs by artist @是芒果果呀 and pajama inspired outfits by StarrySongTOY with sculpts from Sweetheart Party.

Muse Choco
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Milk Shake
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Mango Lulu
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Moka Lolo
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Hidden: Cheese Meimei
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