Creatable World

Creatable World was a doll line manufactured by the American toy company Mattel which launched in 2019. The line was promoted as the first gender-inclusive doll kit and “a doll line designed to keep labels out and invite everyone in!”

The (approximately) 11 inch dolls feature short rooted hair with longer hairpieces designed to stack on top of their hair, feature 13 points of articulation and have slender bodies with minimal curves and bumps. Each doll has their own unique skin tone and come in a basic tank top and shorts, with a wide range of clothing pieces included in the deluxe character kits (and sold separately as style kits) in a mix of colours, prints and forms.

Mattel launched Creatable World alongside an article in TIME magazine and extensive global press, with an initial launch of six deluxe character kits in September 2019. In early 2020 the kits received a wider release in updated packaging alongside new deluxe and starter kits, fashion packs and wig packs. The final products for the line released in Fall 2020 – in late 2021 a spokesperson for Mattel confirmed that the line was “on pause”, and no new products have been released since.

The Deluxe Character Kits were the first and main product released for the line. The kits include the base doll in their basic tank top and shorts, plus a longer hairpiece, a jacket, both a long and short sleeved top, shorts, a skirt, trousers, a fabric or plastic hat, a pair of glasses and three pairs of shoes. The original releases of the deluxe kits also feature a fabric tote bag and poster card, which were omitted from the 2020 rereleases of the kits.

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In early 2020 the dolls from the Deluxe Character Kits were repackaged in new Character Starter Packs, featuring only the doll in their basic tank top and shorts plus their longer hairpiece.

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Early 2020 also saw the release of multiple fashion and wig packs. The larger Everyday Style Packs included recoloured versions of the outfits from many of the Deluxe Character Kits, while new individual themed outfits would be released as smaller Style Packs. The Hair 2-Packs featured fantasy-coloured hairpieces designed to go over the dolls’ shorter rooted hair.

Everyday Style Packs

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Individual Style Packs

Active-Wear Style Pack AW-348
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Rainy Day Style Pack RD-069
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Summer Style Pack SS-255
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Hair 2-Packs

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Multiple Style Packs including a standalone sleepover themed set and two Everyday Style Packs based on the outfits from DC-965 and DC-319 remain unreleased, as well as a fourth wig pack.

A storage playset named Creatable Closet was announced around the release of the DC-557 kit, though it’s ambiguous whether the set was ever released due to the lack of non-stock images and reviews for it.

Unreleased Everyday Style Packs based on DC-965 (left) and DC-319 (right)


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