CUICUI (Camera x Girl x Doll) was a line of six inch prize figure dolls produced by SEGA Plaza, a subsidiary under SEGA’s larger SEGA Prize division, in collaboration with Disney. Released between 2018 to 2019, the CUICUI dolls depicted various Disney heroines under the “Disney Characters Premium Doll” subtitle and were designed specifically with on-the-go doll photography and social media in mind. They were meant to be won as UFO catcher prizes and were thus stocked exclusively at arcades and related establishments. Individual sales were not officially available to the public, and they could only be directly purchased through wholesale. A total of 10 dolls were released.

Various prize figure resale sites and secondhand retailers include listings for a doll based on Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty that was set to release on April 30, 2019. As of now, no images or prototypes have surfaced of this doll.

Official imagery
Images posted here are official promotional/stock images created for CUICUI!

(Thanks Corona_Flower for the first four screengrabs!)