Character | Rapunzel |
Source | Tangled |
Brand | CUICUI |
Company | SEGA Plaza |
Original Retail Price | Bought through wholesale in sets of 40 for ¥32,000 JPY; Doll was designed to be won through arcade machines and does not have an official individual unit price. |
Size | 16cm (6”) |
Body | 5 point articulation, Acrylic inset eyes |
Release Date | September 30, 2018 |

User submitted posts
These posts were uploaded by users of the site! If there’s nothing here then no posts have been created yet. Please note that posts may be the intellectual property of those who posted them and they are not for free use unless stated in the post description! Click the images to check them out.Concept Art
The following are graphics and concept artwork that was used for early promotion of the brand before prototype photos were available. The graphics feature the initial three doll releases with a specific focus on Rapunzel.