Decora Girlz

Decora Girlz is a doll brand created by Cepia LLC. The brand was first seen in September of 2023 at New York Toy Fair at which the first series of dolls were shown. There are two lines of Decora Girlz dolls: the Fashion dolls, which are 1/6 scale and have fabric clothing; and the Mini dolls, which are 1/12 scale and have plastic clothing. The brand soft launched at FAO Schwarz online and in stores March 1, 2024 and the full launch is scheduled for Walmart and Amazon on March 15, 2024.


The Decora Girlz 5” Mystery Collectibles! With 9 super-sweet dolls to collect in series 1, each cutie is themed to perfection. We’re talking magical rainbows, enchanting flowers, delicious candy, and so much more! Each box has 44 surprises including outfits, accessories, and stickers to make your doll uniquely yours!

Series 1

The first Decora Girlz mini dolls were released in March of 2024 with a launch at FAO Schwarz (in stores and online) with a nationwide wide release at select Walmart stores in the US later that month. In the United States, the dolls are blind packaged. In some countries the dolls have modified packaging that reveals the character within.
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Decora V2 with House
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Decora Fashion Girlz 11” Dolls have eye-popping colors and incredible style. Completely posable and customizable, they come with clothes, accessories, and wear-and-share stickers that make each doll totally unique and a bold celebration of creativity.

Series 1 Fashion dolls

The first Decora Girlz fashion dolls were soft-launched online and in stores at FAO Schwarz on March 1st, 2024. They are slated for release March 15, 2024 on Amazon and at Walmart stores.
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Official Imagery

Blind Packaging
Lansay Decora Girlz homepage

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