Di Gi Charat

Di Gi Charat is a long running Japanese multimedia franchise centered around the 10-year-old alien princess of planet Di Gi Charat, Di Gi Charat (a.k.a. Dejiko). Created in 1999, Dejiko was originally designed to act as the mascot for the Broccoli company’s chain of anime merchandise stores, Gamers. She quickly gained popularity and has since gone on to star in numerous anime, manga, and video games.

In 2004, to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the franchise, Takara produced a pair of limited edition dolls based on Dejiko and her little sister, Petit Charat (a.k.a. Puchiko). The dolls were specifically modeled after their incarnations from the anime, Di Gi Charat Nyo!


Both dolls are built with a plastic head and limbs connected to a soft body and come with a comb.

Di Gi Charat (Dejiko)

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Petit Charat (Puchiko)

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