Disney Limited Edition Harrods Aurora Doll Set Pink

Credit to drj1828 on Flickr for all photos.

The Limited Edition Harrods Aurora doll set was sold exclusively at Harrods. This doll set is a variant of the Regular Release Pink and Blue Aurora Limited Edition Dolls. The main differences are:
• additional rhinestones throughout the entire dress (bodice, panels and cape)
• the panels are velvet (regular release has satin)
• the panels are narrower
• there are 8 panels (regular release has 5)
• the roses at the bottom of the panels are filled in with extra embroidery
Character Aurora
Brand Disney Limited Edition Dolls
Release date October 1, 2014
Company The Disney Store
Edition Size 100 Worldwide
Retail Cost £500
Other Doll in Set Aurora
Variant Regular Release Pink Aurora
Collect item (8)

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