A fashion pack based on Erica's Combat Uniform was released and sold separately from the base doll.
Character | Erica Fontaine / グリシーヌ・ブルーメール |
Source | Sakura Wars 3: Is Paris Burning? / サクラ大戦3 〜巴里は燃えているか〜 – ミニゲーム〜 / Sakura Taisen 3: Pari wa Moeteiru ka |
Brand | Dollfie Dream |
Body | DD Type 3, M chest |
Head Sculpt | Erica Fontaine new original style |
Skin | Flesh/Normal |
Eyes | Animetic Eyes Erica Fontaine Original Iris, Metallic, 22mm |
Wig | Erica Fontaine new original style |
Size | 1/3 scale, 1’11” |
Company | Volks |
Sculpter | Dr. Amano (Zoukei-mura Inc.) |
Original Retail Price | ¥61,000 JPY |
Release Date | December 22, 2013 |

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Erica is known for her machine gun!
Of course the cross shaped machine gun that matches perfectly with the nun’s robes is also included! The magazine section is removable.
“Good morning ♪ Good morning ♪ Bonjour ♪”
The maracas used in Erica’s legendary “Good Morning Dance” are included! You can recreate the famous scene!

Many miraculous lights…deliver them to your heart!
The impact of Dollfie Dream® from the “Sakura Wars” series is back!
Paris Flower Attack Team/Hanagumi [Combat Revue Flower Division] “Erica Fontaine” makes a splendid appearance!
Erica’s energetic and pure-hearted charm is expressed to the fullest with Dollfie Dream®♪