Character | Erica Fontaine / グリシーヌ・ブルーメール |
Source | Sakura Wars 3: Is Paris Burning? / サクラ大戦3 〜巴里は燃えているか〜 – ミニゲーム〜 / Sakura Taisen 3: Pari wa Moeteiru ka |
Brand | Dollfie Dream |
Compatible Body | DDS, DD, SS/S/M bust |
Doll Model | Dollfie Dream Erica Fontaine |
Company | Volks |
Original Retail Price | ¥14,800 JPY |
Release Date | December 22, 2012 |

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The Paris Combat Revue is here!
When you think of Sakura Wars, you think of the costumes!
Erica’s combat uniform is now available as a dress set!
It is Erica’s image color.
The cardinal red color scheme of the combat uniform gives off a sense of dignity and cuteness ♪