A fashion pack based on Sakura's Combat Uniform was released and sold separately from the base doll.
Character | Sakura Shinguji / 真宮寺 さくら |
Source | Sakura Wars / サクラ大戦 / Sakura Taisen |
Brand | Dollfie Dream |
Body | DD Type 3, S chest, hand handle |
Head Sculpt | Sakura Shinguji new original style |
Skin | Flesh/Normal |
Eyes | Animetic Eyes Sakura Shinguji Original Iris, Metallic, 22mm |
Wig | Sakura Shinguji new original style |
Size | 1/3 scale, 1’11.5” |
Company | Volks |
Sculpter | Dr. Amano (Zoukei-mura Inc.) |
Original Retail Price | ¥59,000 JPY |
Release Date | August 12, 2012 |

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(All translations sourced and/or adapted from Google Translate.)

The fabric of the kimono, the color of the hair, the mood of the eyes, the expression, even the shape of the accessories; this is the definitive version of Sakura Shinguji!
Her cute yet dignified appearance as she holds the evil defying sword, “Spirit Sword Arataka,” which has been passed down the Shinguji family for generations, exudes both a simple friendliness and the strength of a fighting maiden.

A romantic storm over the Taisho cherry blossoms!
The Sakura Wars series is still loved by many people even after 16 years.
Among them, “Sakura Shinguji” from the Imperial Flower Brigade [Imperial Combat Revue] and Hanagumi [Flower Division] will finally appear in Dollfie Dream®! !
Dollfie Dream® “Shinguji Sakura” will leave the imperial capital and bloom in full bloom in her hometown “Sendai”!