Licca-chan Hashtag Licca Reception Party DXset

A gift set that can be coordinated with over 40 different ways. This is a gorgeous set of #Licca dolls, dresses, and accessories inspired by a reception party.

In addition to a halter neck dress with glitter material, a boa shawl, an overskirt , includes 2 types of tops and 2 types of skirts, and 2 types of earrings, a bangle, a bracelet, a tiara, a belt and a headband, 2 types of necklaces, comb, sunglasses, and a small item with 2 types of shoes, so you can enjoy a lot of outfits.Other backdrop sheets and a stand are included.

Character#celebrationparty DXset
Release dateNovember 2022
CompanyTakara Tomy
Retail price8,470円
Collect item (9)

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