Company | Battat |
Brand | Hey Bestie |
Release Date | March, 2025 (US, Walmart) |
Hair Type | Unknown |
Height | 5.5″ |
Hair Color | Dark Brown |
Eye Color | Blue |
SKU | HB71001 |
Price | $9.88 USD |
Product Description
Every night is an exciting slumber party with Mia & Zoe from Hey Bestie! These two fashion dolls are ready for bedtime with their comfy and stylish pajamas. They’ve got the cutest slippers, too, and Zoe has an eye mask! Want to swap outfits? Hey Bestie doll clothes are easy to change. Trade outfits, play with the dolls’ super soft hair, and strike any pose – Mia & Zoe can bend at the neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees. Create a fun-loving world of friendship with all Hey Bestie dolls and playsets!

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Battat releases new doll line Hey Bestie