Lalaloopsy Full Size Mint E. Stripes

LineFull Size Dolls
Series 2013
Character Mint E. Stripes
Price 24.99 USD
Collect item (33)

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Back of the Box
Mint E. Stripes was made from a candy wrapper. She’s a cool blast of fresh air who loves to spin in circles really, really fast until she falls down laughing. You always know she’s on her way because of the crinkle in her step. She has a pet dog.

Product Information
The Lalaloopsy™ dolls were once rag dolls who magically came to life, taking on the personalities of the fabrics that were used to make them. They live in a colorful, silly world, and it’s your job to keep the magic of their world alive!

  • Mint E. Stripes was made from a candy wrapper. She’s a cool blast of fresh air who loves to spin in circles really, really fast until she falls down laughing. You always know she’s on her way because of the crinkle in her step.
  • Sewn on: December 26th (National Candy Cane Day)
  • She has an adorable pet dog
  • Articulated head, arms and legs.
  • Shoes and clothes can be removed for fashion play
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