Lalaloopsy Full Size Super Silly Party Mittens Fluff ‘N’ Stuff

Line | Full Size Dolls |
Series | Super Silly Party |
Character | Mittens Fluff 'N' Stuff |
Price | 24.99 USD |
Back of the Box
Mittens Fluff ‘N’ Stuff was once a rag doll who magically came to life when her very last stitch was sewn. She lives hot cocoa, snow fights, and snuggling by the fire. She’s whipping up a delicious batch of her famous hot cocoa for the party, and don’t worry she won’t forget extra marshmallows and sprinkles!
Product Information
- Limited edition, large Mittens Fluff ‘n’ Stuff doll dressed up for the Super Silly Party!
- She was made from a cozy scarf
- Special Lalaloopsy snowflake charm bracelet for you to wear
- Removable clothing for fashion play
- Doll stands 10.5 inches tall
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