Character | Scary Godmother |
Brand | Scary Godmother |
Release date | ? |
Company | N/A, Kickstarter |
Retail price | $150 |
Body | 16 points of articulation, Double hinged knees and elbows, upper and lower torso joints |
Hair Type | ? |
Prototype Gallery

Credit for Prototype images goes to Jill Thompson and her Kickstarter Located here (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1327932176/the-scary-godmother-doll)

October 1st 2023
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MY GRAIL !! i would’ve bought her immediately if i knew she existed before it was too late </3
you can still buy her on the scary godmother website! she’s actually on sale rn for $130 ^-^ i asked my parents for her for my bday
YOU JUST MADE MY WHOLE YEAR! last i looked she was out of stock and i just assumed she’d never be restocked since it said limited edition!! thank you so much i got her!!
yay im so happy!!!! i actually just got her today for my bday 😀 yay us!!