Lottie Rosie Boo

CharacterRosie Boo
Eye ColorBrown
Hair TypeSaran
The description from Lottie’s website from Rosie Boo, the girl who the doll was modeled after:
Hello from Rosie Boo!
“I’m cheeky and full of mischief, noisy, loving and bright. I love chocolate, cake and hugs and filling lives with light. My Rosie Boo Lottie Dolls is my favorite toy by far. With Shoulder length brown hair and a self-styled fringe like mine sparkling eyes and a bunny dress, all by design. You see she is here to represent me, in homes around the world. To bring magic, joy and a forever friend for all the boys and girls. We both have something extra, a thing called a chromosome. You can see it in our rainbow eyebrows and it’s known as Down’s Syndrome. We wear odd socks to give a cheer for World Down’s Syndrome Day! Worn with pride to represent how we’re special in EVERY way.”
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This doll was chosen as Dollect’s Doll of the Day on

July 20th 2023

Click here to view all previous Dolls of the Day!

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