Monster High Generation 1 Avea Trotter

Avea Trotter

Daughter of a Centaur (Father) and a Harpy (Mother)

Red is my fave color. It looks good on me, so that’s what I like to wear.

Age: 17

Freaky Flaw: I’m a little bit…okay a lot…stubborn. Once I’ve made up my mind, I hate to be reigned in, and I have a hard time not bucking the trend.

Favorite Food: Corn, oats, alfalfa and wheat grass smoothies. I’m also pretty fond of apples and sugar cubes.

Favorite Activity: I can run like the wind, and there’s nothing I like better than to go galloping off across, well, anywhere.

Killer Style: I love equestrian couture and there’s nothing that makes me want to kick up my heels like a new pair of gloves.

Pet: I’ve never found one that has been able to keep pace with me.

Pet Peeve: I’m not a pony ride at a carnival so no, I won’t give you a lift, let you “hitch” a ride or just “trot you over to your next class.” It’s undignified.



Freaky Fusion Hybrids
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