Character | Lagoona Blue |
Brand | Monster High |
Series | Classroom |
Company | Mattel |
Release Year | 2011 (re-released in 2012) |
Retail Cost | $24.99 |
Hair Type | Saran |

July 2nd, 2024
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The Mad Science Lagoona Blue doll was originally released in 2011 in a large yellow box with many accessories, including Lagoona’s Mad Science book, a three-eyed frog, a jar, an egg, a blue pen, stickers, a pink coffin-shaped locker with a skullette lock, a Mad Science survival guide, an extra outfit, and a brush.
This doll was reissued in 2012 and was largely identical to the first release, but it did not come with Lagoona’s pink locker and survival guide.
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