Character | Frankie Stein |
Series | Dawn of the Dance |
Brand | Monster High |
Company | Mattel |
Released | 2010, Re-issued in 2011 as part of a mulitpack, and solo again in 2014 |
Retail Cost | 2010 release: $25.00 USD / 2011 3-Pack Release: $50.00 USD / Re-issue: $17.99 USD |
Hair Type | Saran |
Product Information
The Dawn of the Dance Frankie Stein doll was originally released in 2010 in a large blue box. The doll was re-released in 2011 as a part of a Walmart exclusive 3-Pack along with Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura.
The doll was re-released in 2014 in a smaller box without the purse and phone accesssories as a budget option.
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