Character | Lagoona Blue |
Series | Dawn of the Dance |
Brand | Monster High |
Company | Mattel |
Released | 2011, reissued in 2014 |
Retail Cost | 2011 release: $25.00 USD / Re-issue: $17.99 USD |
Hair Type | Saran |
Product Information
The Dawn of the Dance Lagoona Blue doll was originally released in July 2011 in a large purple box with a DVD copy of “The New Ghoul at School” animated webisode. Prototype pictures of the doll show her in an orange box, but this was never released to the public. The original 2011 release came with a purse and phone for accessories.
The doll was re-released in 2014 in a smaller box without the purse and phone accesssories as a budget option.
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