Djinni “Whisp” Grant
Daughter of the Genie
I will have everything. You will have nothing. Stings, doesn’t it, sister?
Age: Gigi says she’s 15, and since I’m technically the physical manifestation of her shadow, I’ll go with that.
Freaky Flaw: I used to want to take over the world, and not in a “Hey, everybody, vote for me!” kind of way. I don’t ever want to be that way again, but the first step in fixing megalomania is recognizing it, right?
Favorite Food: S’carrot cake. I know random, right? But the texture and scream cheese icing always makes me wish for another slice.
Favorite Activity: I didn’t know this about myself, but it turns out I really love to read- which is the perfect activity when you have a lot of downtime.
Killer Style: So when I’m at work, I’m pretty traditional: silk, halter tops, baggy pants, slippers, etc. But on my own time, I like to wear silk, halter tops, baggy pants, slippers, etc. What can I say? Comfortable is never boring.
Pet: When I was wished into existence as a Shadow Djinni, a Shadow Pet didn’t come along with it, so I’m not sure what kind of pet I’d want, although I’ve heard flying monkeys are kind of creepy cool.
Pet Peeve: When monsters believe that a granted wish will solve their problems and then become angry when it doesn’t.