Daughter of a Vampire
I would love to do a small picture next- something shot on location in Scaris.
Age: 1,601
Freaky Flaw: I have terrible stage fright, so I must be completely prepared before I ever stand in front of an audience. I’ve been told I’m a natural on stage and in front of a camera, but that’s only because I spend hours making sure I have my lines down. It’s the only way I can do what I do.
Favorite Food: Blood oranges.
Favorite Activity: Acting! It might seem strange that I would like acting if I have stage fright, but I love inhabiting the characters I play.
Killer Style: I am fangsolutely in love with lace, ruffles, silk and satin, as long as it’s frilly and it’s black or deep purple.
Pet: I played the part of a dragon whisperer in a film once. It was a great role, but I’ve never translated that into a real unlife pet.
Pet Peeve: When I flub a line. I work very hard to learn my part so that I do not make mistakes, and it fangsolutely drives me batty when I do.

Hi, why is there no individual page for Ghoul Fair Elissabat (for informative/collection purposes)? 🙁
Hiya, the ghoul fair dolls don’t appear to have been fully added to Dollect yet. I hope you can bear with us as our team works to get more Wiki’s up. They will have individual pages in the future. 🙂