Monster High Generation 1 Gigi Grant

Gigi Grant

Daughter of The Genie

You never know where the day may take you.

Age: Dad says I’m 15, but he lost my birth certificate somewhere between Darius The Great and Julius Caesar, so I’m not really sure.

Freaky Flaw: It’s not a real stretch to guess that I’m claustrophobic. Being stuck in a lantern for millennia will do that to you.

Favorite Food: My father’s secret recipe: hummus and fresh-baked pita. Even after all this time, I have never grown tired of it.

Favorite Activity: I love sightseeing. It’s always a bonus when a monster wishes to take a trip to someplace I haven’t already been.

Killer Style: Natural fabrics, especially silk, in bright colors. I’m also big on haltertops, baggy pants and slippers. Basically, I’m all about comfort. Of course, I can’t be a total slob cause I never know when I’m going to have to pop out for a meeting with the new boss.

Pet: A scorpion called Sultan Sting. Don’t let the name fool you, he’s actually quite unpretentious.

Pet Peeve: That wishing for extra wishes thing. As if 13 wishes isn’t enough.



13 Wishes
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