Character | Spectra Vondergeist |
Brand | Monster High |
Series | Midnight Runway |
Company | Mattel |
Release Date | November 8th, 2023 |
Retail Cost | $75 USD |
Hair Type | Saran |
Product Description
For the third doll in the 2023 Monster High Haunt Couture Midnight Runway Collection, we’re giving our ghostly gossip ghoul a glam masquerade makeover. Spectra Vondergeist appears in all her spooky splendor, wearing an airy mesh dress featuring puff sleeves and leather accents. Her tumble of long purple curls and a swirling sculptural mask give her an ethereal charm. The silver chain accents and translucent details at her arms and legs reflect her ghostly heritage.
- Monster High® Haunt Couture™ Midnight Runway™ Spectra Vondergeist™ Doll
- 10.5 inches tall
- Articulated for maximum posablility
- Ghostly and ghoul-amorous in a goth-inspired airy black dress
- Also includes accessories and a welcome letter
- Premium textured packaging for added display
- Includes Certificate of Authenticity
Fang Club members get early access! From November 8 at 9:00 AM PT through November 10 at 8:59 AM PT, only members can add this doll to their collection. Public sale begins on November 10 at 9 AM PT while supplies last. Doll cannot stand alone. Includes doll stand. Colors and decorations may vary. Purchase limits subject to change at the sole discretion of Mattel.

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I loveee how she didn’t go up 100 times in price the first time ive bought a mattel creations doll after the launch for cheaper:D!!!
Also kinda shocked cleo from this line didn’t sell out i loveeeee her shes stunning!!!