Holt Hyde
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyde
Jackson and I don’t agree on much, but one thing I can say is, the guy has a great taste in ladies.
Age: 16… I think.
Freaky Flaw: I’ve got a bad temper. It’s not something I’m proud of but every once in a while it flares up and I have to spend a lot of time apologizing for it. I also have a hard time remembering some things.
Favorite Food: Hot wings. I like ’em enough to make a dragon cry.
Favorite Activity: Creating new monster music mixes. I love it when my tunes come alive and I can get all the monsters in the house out on the dance floor.
Killer Style: My style is on fire, baby. No really, I literally have flames leaping off my body. I’m like my own light show. I also have this smokin’ yin-yang symbol tattooed on my back and, of course, I never go anywhere without my headphones ’cause you never know when a beat will blaze up.
Pet: Crossfade, a chameleon. He’s the best pet ever ’cause change never bothers him, and he totally digs my music.
Pet Peeve: Having to listen to boring music. Seriously, if music can’t transform you, it ain’t nothing but static.