Monster High Generation 1 Invisi Billy

Invisi Billy

Son of the Invisible Man

It’s totally not scary-cool when monsters talk like I’m not there, but sometimes I can’t help but overhear the most spooktacular gossip.

Age: 15

Freaky Flaw: I can only become visible when I really concentrate and even then it’s not always my whole body. Sometimes it’s just my hand or foot.

Favorite Food: I love seafood and pie.

Favorite Activity: I love doing special effects for MH theatre productions. It’s scary cool when the audience ooh’s and ahh’s over an effect, and it’s clear they can’t figure out how it was done. Oh, and hanging out with my ghoulfriend Scarah Screams.

Killer Style: I totally unlive in my hoodie, skinny jeans and beanie, so I guess if I had to give how I dress a name it would probably be “blister.”

Pet: I had a dog once but I had to give him away because every time I took him out for a walk, animal control would try and pick him up as a stray.

Pet Peeve: When monsters think I’m a ghost. I’m just invisible, okay. I can’t pass through walls unless there are open doors in them.



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