Lagoona Blue
Daughter of the Sea Monster
Gil and I had the most spooktacular kelp lunch today.
Age: 15
Freaky flaw: My skin tends to dry out if I spend too much time out of the water, so I go through a fright of moisturizer. Chlorine from the Monster High pool also has a tendency to turn my blond hair blue, but it’s a creeperfic lurk, don’t you think?
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite activity: Anything that involves being in, on or around the water.
Killer style: I mostly like to creep out in my baggies, tank top and floppies. That way, I’m ready for any kind of scary-good time—whether it’s surfing, beach volleyball or hanging out with my ghouls. But I also like to show up to parties in my scary-cute little black dress just to show everybody I can pull off the lurk.
Pet: Neptuna is my pet piranha, and I’ve got a special purse that’s actually a fishbowl so I can secretly take Neptuna to class.
Pet peeve: Anyone who treats the ocean like it’s their own personal trash can.
