Monster High Generation 1 Lorna McNessie

Lorna McNessie

Daughter of the Loch Ness Monster

Going for a swim in the Monster High pool is the next beast thing to swimming in the loch at home.

Age: 14

Freaky Flaw: I never met a photo I didna want tae be a part of, much tae the consternation of ma parents who are notoriously photo shy. It’s nae like I want tae ruin a shot, but it’s just so much fun.

Favorite Food: Haggis. If there were ever a dish made for a monster, it’d be this.

Favorite Activity: Aye, it’s photo bombing, but nae just the ordinary kind. I like tae find ways tae get a shot that are nae so obvious. So ya might nae see me when you like at a picture the fiercst time.

Killer Style: Being a ghoul from the Highlands, I’d be doing a disservice tae ma clan if I didna wear ma plaid, and since it can also get shivering Baltic in Rotland I also like tae wear wool skirts and scarfs tae keep the cold at bay.

Pet: I always wanted a dry land pet like a Highland cow, but when you live in a loch there’s nae place tae keep one.

Pet Peeve: Normie expeditions tae find aboot if we really exist, because every time they bring in a submarine or underwater camera or sonar we have tae leave the loch till they’re gone. It’s no fun tae move and I don’t get a chance tae be in a shot.



Monster Exchange
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