Manny Taur
Son of the Minotaur
I’ve always had trouble saying the things that I really feel. It’s like everything I want to say gets trapped inside a maze in my head and just when it seems the words are about to find an exit they run into a dead end.
Age: 16
Freaky Flaw: I tend to break stuff, not usually on purpose, mind you, but you probably still wouldn’t want to invite me to a tea party where you’re planning on using your grandmonster’s heirloom china. I also have a hard time putting my feelings into words. I’m much more of a ‘show you that I like you’ kind of monster rather than a ‘tell you that I like you’ one.
Favorite Food: Cornbread with lots of butter and honey. My mom makes it best.
Favorite Activity: I love playing and competing. Whether it’s football, casketball, SKRM, or morguesheet-tombstone-guillotine, I’m always up for the challenge.
Killer Style: I’m a boo collar kind of monster, and it’s really easy for me to get lost in the maze of fashion trends. I’m happiest when I’m in my jeans, t-shirt and boots. It’s also pretty hard to find trendy clothes that fit me.
Pet: I like baby griffins ’cause they’re so fuzzy, cute and playful. What? Just because I don’t show my soft side doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Pet Peeve: When monsters try to make me see red. It may be funny for them, but it’s not for me. Also stop asking me for directions. Just because I was born in a maze doesn’t mean I can tell you the best way to get somewhere.