Monster High Generation 1 Meowlody and Purrsephone

Meowlody and Purrsephone

Daughters of the Werecats

Purrsephone: Some would say we are lurking for trouble, but I think we are just having a little feline fun.

Age: 15 – We’re 15

Freaky Flaw:

Purrsephone: Sometimes our curiosity gets us into trouble and we agree to purrticipate in the plans of others without considering the consequences.

Meowlody: Why sister, you make it sound like we don’t have a mind of our own.

Purrsephone: My apologies, purrhaps I was mistaken then.

Favorite Food: Ice Cream

Favorite Activity: When we’re not napping, we love gymnastics – especially because we always land on our feet.

Killer Style:

Purrsephone: We purrfurr skirts, vests, and shiny, jingly bracelets. We also love fashions that match. Right, sister?

Meowlody: You’re sooo correct. It makes life so much less confusing… for us.

Pet: We used to have a canary… but one of us is allergic to birds, and we had to give him away.

Pet Peeve:

Purrsephone: When monsters automatically assume we think alike and always agree on everything.

Meowlody: That’s not my pet peeve. I don’t like closed doors.

Purrsephone: Well, you could just open them.

Meowlody: That’s not the point.


Meowlody Dolls

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Ghouls Getaway
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Wave 3 (Signature)
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Wheelin’ Werecats
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Zombie Shake
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Purrsephone Dolls

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Wave 3 (Signature)
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Wheelin’ Werecats
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Zombie Shake
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